Sunday 2nd October 2011

The afternoon Maha Samadhi darshan was also the third day of the Vidhwan Maha Sabha. Today we had 2 talks given by Swami’s students. The first one was Sister Kumari Lalita who spoke on Learning at the lotus feet of Bhagwan. This was followed by Sai Giridhar, a PhD student in Clinical Chemistry, who spoke on the 4 S’s. A profound and meaningful statement he made in the speech was, “Whatever situation you find yourself in. Be it good or bad; accept whatever comes to you with firm conviction that Swami has given this to you for your own good.”
One of the UK Grama Seva Groups was allocated the village of Dhupampalli and neighbouring villages. Before Grama Seva commenced, the UK boys, along with Swami’s students and faculty members went around the village chanting Vedam and singing Bhajans. Swami has mentioned that doing this will spiritually cleanse the village. It also serves as announcement to the villagers regarding the seva activities.
Dhupampalli consisted of approximately 350 houses, with an additional 20 houses in the neighbouring village, Kottalapalli, which was served by Swami's Students.
The afternoon Maha Samadhi darshan was also the third day of the Vidhwan Maha Sabha. Today we had 2 talks given by Swami’s students. The first one was Sister Kumari Lalita who spoke on Learning at the lotus feet of Bhagwan. This was followed by Sai Giridhar, a PhD student in Clinical Chemistry, who spoke on the 4 S’s. A profound and meaningful statement he made in the speech was, “Whatever situation you find yourself in. Be it good or bad; accept whatever comes to you with firm conviction that Swami has given this to you for your own good.”
This was followed by a short extract from Swami’s discourse and then a musical concert by the students of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus.
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